What Should Be Known About Tooth Extractions In Lexington, KY?


Have one or more teeth that cannot be saved? While a skilled and trusted dental professional will always try to save a patient’s natural teeth first, sometimes those teeth will need to be removed through a tooth extraction in Lexington, KY. There are a number of things that people should know about their tooth extraction procedures.

Here is more detailed information on what people should know about their tooth extraction procedure processes. When people know what tooth extractions are, and how they can help them, it will help them make more informed decisions that will benefit their teeth and oral health.

What I Should Know About My Tooth Extractions In Lexington, KY

A tooth extraction at a quality dental professionals office, involves the removal of a tooth from its socket in the patient’s jawbone. Most tooth extractions are performed because the patient has severe tooth decay or gum disease. Other reasons for a tooth extraction, however, can include tooth infections or overcrowding.

Before the tooth extraction procedure begins, the dental professional will thoroughly review the patient’s medical history and conduct an oral examination. It’s important that the patient provides all necessary information about their oral health to the dental professional. This will allow the dental professional to assess if they may require antibiotics before or after the procedure, due to an increased risk of infection.

The patient will also be given sedation dentistry to numb the area around the treated tooth or teeth. With sedation dentistry, the patient will have a comfortable and anxiety-free tooth extraction procedure experience.

There are two types of tooth extractions patients can get treated with: a simple and a surgical tooth extraction.

Simple Tooth Extractions:

A simple tooth extraction is performed on a tooth that can be seen in the mouth. The dental professional uses dental tools to loosen the tooth before removing it.

Surgical Tooth Extractions:

A surgical tooth extraction, on the other hand, involves the dental professional making a small incision into the patient’s gums to remove a tooth that hasn’t broken through the surface.

After the tooth extraction procedure is complete, a blood clot usually forms in the tooth’s empty socket. The dental professional will pack a gauze pad into the socket and have the patient bite down to stop the bleeding. Sometimes they will use self-dissolving stitches to close the gum edges over the extraction site.

What Should I Do After My Tooth Extractions?

Post-tooth extraction care is crucial. The patient will be advised to rest and avoid strenuous activity for a few days to promote healing. The patient should also follow a soft diet, avoid smoking and alcohol, and maintain oral hygiene without disturbing the tooth extraction site.

Pain is expected after the sedation dentistry has worn off.

The dental professional may prescribe painkillers, recommend over-the-counter pain relief, or advise the use of an ice pack at the curb of the face to avoid swelling and discomfort. Signs of tooth extraction complications, such as prolonged bleeding, severe pain, fever, or swelling, should be reported to the dental professional immediately.

These might be indications of an infection or a dry socket, which is when the blood clot that aids in healing gets dislodged or dissolves before the wound has healed. Getting regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene can help people avoid the need for a tooth extraction.

Finally, after a tooth extraction, the patient may wish to consider replacements for the missing tooth. Dental implants, dental bridges, or traditional dentures can restore the beauty and functionality of the patients smile.

See Us Now So We Can Expertly Treat You With A Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is a safe procedure, when performed by a skilled dental professional. Maintaining good oral health can greatly reduce the risk of you needing one. However, if you do need a tooth extraction, knowing what to expect before, during, and after the procedure can help you prepare and recover from it smoothly.

Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with our doctors, Dr. Seth Chambers, and our exceptional team at our dental office to schedule an appointment today!

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